Better Births. Healthier Pregnancies. Better Experiences.
Childbirth Classes and Prenatal Classes for Cleveland Parents!
Fruit of the womb Perinatal Services provides natural childbirth classes and Lamaze classes, breastfeeding classes, and workshops to expecting parents in the greater Cleveland area and nationwide. Classes are taught by a Certified Lamaze Childbirth Educator Angel Coleman.
Holistic Childbirth Class
Own your birth is a childbirth class to help women feel confident and well-informed about what to expect for childbirth. Whether they are planning a natural birth or cesarean I want you to feel ready to take on this birth journey! We cover breathing techniques, creating your dream birth, and conquering fears.
Classes will return fall of 2024!

Pregnancy Wellness Class
Own Your Pregnancy is a prenatal class that shows newly pregnant mothers how to stay healthy during pregnancy. How confident do you feel in picking the right hospital to deliver in or even the right healthcare professional? Got nausea that just won't go away? How do you cope? I'm here to guide you through your pregnancy! This class is offered as a self-paced online course.
Class Available Soon
Breastfeeding Class
Informative and Applicable breastfeeding class to help you feel confident in your ability to breastfeed! Includes worksheets and resources!
Classes will return fall of 2024!

Prepared Childbirth Classes
Childbirth Classs
If you're expecting a baby, we've got a class that'll help you prepare for the later stages of pregnancy, labor, and birth. It's based on the Lamaze Method and we'll provide all the info needed to feel prepared. Just bring two pillows and a small blanket or yoga mat to class. Call 216-844-4000 for more information or to register.
In-Person Class Location: UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Ahuja Center for Women & Children
Upcoming In-Person Sessions:
Express Prepared Childbirth (1 or 2 Sessions)
​Sat., May 11 & 18th, 2024 .....9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Blended Class: ​
Sat., Jun 15 ....9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Upcoming Virtual Sessions:
Express Prepared Childbirth (1 or 2 Sessions)
​Mon., Apr 22 & 29 .....6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m
I offer a variety of workshops to add to your knowledge and build confidence in your ability to birth and connect with your baby. Check out my other workshops:
Microbirth Workshop - What if I told you the way you birth and medical interventions used during labor could affect your baby's immune system and long-term health? This course focuses on the microbiome during the perinatal period ( pregnancy through postpartum) and helps you learn how you can set your baby up for the healthiest start without overcomplicating the information.
Pediatric CPR/First Aid - This vital class will help you gain life-saving skills in the event of choking, cardiac arrest, or serious injury. Every parent needs this class. You will gain certification.
Belly Mapping Method™ -Belly Mapping Method™ is a fun and educational three-step process to figure out your baby’s position during those final months of pregnancy. Parents can enjoy using this method to learn more about their little one’s position, while healthcare providers can use it to sharpen their skills with visual clues. The main aim here is to help parents recognize different baby parts and understand where their baby is positioned.

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class
Birth Prep Class
Get ready to experience the most amazing birth preparation class with a provisionally certified Spinning Babies® Parent Educator! This class is designed to highlight your baby's active role in the birth and teach you techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. With Spinning Babies®, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help "make room for baby!" Discover how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!
This class is for expectant parents only.
Baby’s job in labor is to rotate!
Learn about Spinning Babies® Techniques
Daily Essential Activities
The Three Balancesâ„ help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later.
Birth Positions that open the pelvis let the baby come through more easily
Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth